Dear Friend of the Museum, It’s a great pleasure to write to you from my new post as CEO of Discovery Museum. While physically this role only took me across the hall—to an office with a fantastic view. . .
Bid for Kids auction offers Blackjack card-counting lesson, Red Sox tickets, create-your-own ice cream flavor, and more in support of access programs at the Museum
ACTON, MA – Discovery Museum will host its fourth free speaker event of 2024, “The Science of ‘Good Enough’ Relationships: Trusting and Developing our Capacity for Simple and Authentic Human. . .
ACTON, Mass.—The Institute of Museum and Library Services announced today that Discovery Museum is among 30 finalists for the 2024 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. Discovery Museum is one of four institutions in Massachusetts to be selected as a finalist for this award.
Acton, MA – Discovery Museum is pleased to welcome Samira Lawande to its Board of Directors. Samira Lawande brings a broad range of global leadership experience in science and technology, product. . .
ACTON, MA – Discovery Museum will host its Inaugural Artist-in-Residence, artist + educator Chanel Thervil, for a week-long public art program during April school vacation week to build a community. . .
ACTON, MA – Discovery Museum served nearly 253,000 people on site at the Museum and in school classrooms throughout New England in 2023, the largest number served in its 41-year history. A full 25% of. . .
By Emily Micucci Joining the Discovery Museum in Acton in 2013, Marie Beam found an outlet for her workplace passion: bringing quality learning experiences to children from all walks of life. In her. . .
ACTON, MA – Discovery Museum kicks off the 12th year of its Discovery Museum Speaker Series with Dr. Gene Beresin and Dr. Khadijah Booth Watkins from The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at. . .